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Posted on 03/13/2023 in Category 1

Upper raiders by Mo Ling

They were at the bottom of the abyss, with rocks at their feet and raised rocks around them, crawling in the darkness like evil beasts waiting for their prey to bite. All around the floating light, as she walked, slowly fluttering forward. After walking for some distance, Wu Huan suddenly stopped and looked at the rocks in the distance. It was a large rock, and in the twinkling light, the bulge looked like a beast about to pounce. We were just.. Do you seem to have passed through here? Wu Huan asked with some uncertainty. Below this can only be seen by the dim light, barely, so Wu Huan is only a little impression. Rong Zhao nodded, "I did pass by." "Formation?" Wu Huan frowned and looked at the rock, feeling more and more real. The black rock seemed to be suddenly alive, a pair of eyes with green light suddenly lit up, and the body that had rushed forward came over with a whoosh. Rong Zhao took Wu Huan's hand and pulled her aside with a slight force. The wind passed by her ear, and something fell behind her. Wu Huan seemed to come to his senses, his eyes turned several times, and he looked back at the place where the sound was made. A half-man-tall leopard was in a state of attack, staring at her with its green eyes, bloodthirsty and cruel, with a low roar in its mouth. There was another whoosh in the air, and in the blink of an eye they were surrounded by these leopards, all about the same size, showing sharp fangs and claws, looking at them with the eyes of food. It seems that there are still a lot of obstacles below! Wu Huan pulled his hand out of Rong Zhao's arm, moved it, slanted his head, and his eyes flashed a trace of coldness. "Come and compare who we kill more?" Rong Zhao answered Wu Huan with action, and took the first step to meet the nearest leopard. Wu Huan stared,Heme Iron Polypeptide, she hadn't shouted to start yet! Rong Zhao had already solved one over there, and the leopard fell to the ground and turned into a hard stone, breaking open. It turned out to be stone. Wu Huan murmured and joined the battle. The level of these leopards is not high, Wu Huan and Rong Zhao together, almost no effort to solve. All the leopards turned into rubble on the soles of their feet, and the air seemed to vibrate slightly, and the light in front of them was obviously a little stronger than before. It's just a little bit, and people who are not careful can't find it at all. Is it so simple to break the array? Wu Huan obviously some do not believe, these leopards really do not cut ah! "No, another formation has been activated." "A serial array?" Wu Huan swept around with spiritual consciousness, and there was indeed an unusual fluctuation. Serial array is a broken array, another array will start, the original Tianyi Valley outside is a serial array. But the serial array is also divided into many kinds, with the strength of the deployment to determine the degree of difficulty of the serial array. Wu Huan frowned. The most common use of the serial array is to arrange checkpoints. Many strong people will set up such an array before they die. It can not only test the strength of the people who inherit themselves, Quillaja Saponin ,Thyroid Powder Factory, but also test their minds. It is simply a necessary choice for the strong people before they die. If you want to go out, you either die or pass the customs. So now we're going to fight monsters and upgrade? Wu Huan sighed, obviously reluctant. Almost Rong Zhao nodded. Wu Huan sighed again, what's the matter! The second array is still a spirit beast, a flame bear, the kind of bear with fire all over the body, but these things also play self-explosion, as shameless as it is shameless. Wu Huan was made a little embarrassed, she never thought that this kind of array control stone into a spirit beast would be so shameless, at the beginning of the road. Fortunately, he was not injured, but was affected by the self-explosion airflow, and his chest was a little uncomfortable. Would you like to take a break? Rong Zhao supported Wu Huan, who was not a bit dirty, as if he had not experienced a firefight just now. Wu Huan took a look, immediately uncomfortable up, dirty claws directly holding Rong Zhao's face, went in to kiss, "continue, leaving us little time." Wu Huan let go of Rong Zhao and looked at the black paw prints on Rong Zhao's face, obviously satisfied. Hum- The third array is activated. In the darkness, the sound of Sisisuo sounded, the sound of friction with the ground, and the sound of'hissing '. Rong Zhao. Wu Huan suddenly walked a few steps to Rong Zhao's side, looking even more uncomfortable, "it seems to be a snake." She hates this gristle stuff. His voice grew louder and louder, and soon a snake with a thick arm appeared in the place illuminated by the dim light. It spits scarlet letters, cold and sinister. Slowly, more and more snakes crawled out of the darkness, spitting scarlet letters one after another, winding their bodies and approaching them. Wu Huan immediately hid behind Rong Zhao, "Rong Zhao, this is off you!" Although the snake and the dragon are almost the same, they are long, but she just can't accept it, and it's disgusting to look at them. Rong Zhao patted Wu Huan on the head and went to deal with the snakes himself. Wu Huan soon discovered that something was wrong and that the snakes were actually water ring snakes. The weird thing is that if you cut it down, it will be divided into sections, and that section will grow into a new snake, and one will split into several, and the number will go up. Wu Huan can't do it without doing it. Even if you don't cut it, it will bump into itself or be bitten into several pieces by its companions. Wu Huan said that she had never seen such a crazy companion. Chapter 427 you are going to die here. ICP Record No.: Xiang B2-20100081-3 Internet Publishing Qualification Certificate: Xin Chu Wang Zheng (Xiang) Zi No.11 Network Culture Business License: Wen Wang Wen [2010] No.128 The horror of the hydra lies in its regeneration. If you want to break the array, you must find the head snake. These snakes are all regenerated by her. As long as you solve the head snake, you will break the array. And with so many snakes mixed in, it's not easy to find the head snake. It was randomly mixed in several water ring snakes, and the identical appearance could not be distinguished at all. Finally, Rong Zhao discovered the head snake,Nonoxynol 9 Factory, and after crushing it directly with divine power, the water ring snake turned into rubble in an instant. It took them a lot of time to break the third level. The next few levels are going up, and the time to break the array is getting longer and longer. pioneer-biotech.com

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