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Posted on 03/13/2023 in Category 1

self-compiled quotas? _ Pricing

Original title: How to insert lists and quotas, including self-compiled lists and self-compiled quotas? Let's take a look today. List Valuation Expert N9 Cloud Valuation, How to insert lists and quotas, Including the insertion of self-compiled lists and self-compiled quotas? What is the role of the manifest specification? Applicable to what project? 2013 Code of Valuation with Bill Quantity-General 1.0.1 In order to standardize the cost measurement behavior of housing construction and decoration engineering, unify the calculation rules of housing construction and decoration engineering quantities and the compilation method of bill of quantities, this specification is formulated. 1.0.2 This specification is applicable to the engineering measurement and bill of quantities preparation in the contracting and implementation stage of industrial and civil housing construction and decoration projects. 1.0.3 The valuation of housing construction and decoration works must be measured according to the calculation rules of quantities stipulated in this specification. 1.0.4 In addition to this specification,large print tape measure, the measurement activities of housing construction and decoration engineering shall also comply with the provisions of the current relevant national standards. What is the role of the quota? 2015 Quota Description and Calculation Rules-General All construction projects invested with state-owned funds shall be subject to this quota. III. Role of Quota This quota is the basis for compiling and reviewing the construction project design budget estimate, construction drawing budget, maximum bidding price limit (bidding control price,bra measuring tape, bidding base), completion settlement, mediation and settlement of project cost disputes, appraisal and control of project cost. This quota is the basis for the tenderee to combine the comprehensive unit price and measure the rationality of the tender offer; This quota is the comprehensive unit price of the bidder's combination and the reference for determining the bidding quotation; This quota is the basis for compiling the investment estimation index of construction projects. If the inventory quota library does not have the required content, Can you compile it by yourself? Is there any document regulation? The self-prepared list document is based on the provisions of the Building Construction and Decoration Section. 2013 Code of Valuation with Bill of Quantities 4.1.3 For the items not included in the appendix in the bill of quantities, custom tape measure ,mini tape measure, the preparer shall supplement them and report them to the provincial or industrial engineering cost management organization for record, and the provincial or industrial engineering cost management organization shall summarize them and report them to the Standard Quota Research Institute of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Expand the full text The code of the supplementary item is composed of the code 01 and B of this specification and three Arabic numerals, and shall be compiled in sequence from 01B001. The items of the same bidding project shall not be duplicated. The supplementary bill of quantities shall be attached with the name, project characteristics, unit of measurement, calculation rules of quantities and work content of the supplementary project. The measure items that cannot be measured shall be attached with the name, work content and coverage of the supplementary items. Basis for self-prepared quota document 2015 Quota Description and Calculation Rules-General Description X. Supplementary quota In case of any missing item during the execution of this quota, Party A and Party B shall prepare a temporary quota, submit it to the local project cost management department for approval, and report it to the provincial construction project cost management station for record. Software Operation Insertion List 1. Insert a manifest from the Manifest Item Library 2. Directly enter the list code 3. Tender List Import in excel or electronic standard format Insert a manifest from the Manifest Item Library Click Insert-List Item in the upper left corner, or the right mouse button. Then select the corresponding project library and professional category. Directly enter the list code Enter the first 9 codes of the list in the numbered cell, and the software will automatically associate the corresponding list items. Import of bidding list in excel or electronic bidding format We will introduce this part in detail later. Software Operations-Insert Quota 1. Insert Quota from Quota Library 2. Quickly set the quota through guidance Insert Quota from Quota Library Click Insert in the upper left corner-Quota Quickly set the quota through guidance Software operation-self-compiled list quota Specific operation method: Click the upper left corner to insert the self-compiled project. For the self-compiled list, you need to enter the project code, name, quantity, unit and project characteristics. Click the upper left corner to insert the self-prepared quota. For the self-prepared quota, you need to enter the quota code, name,custom tailor tape, quantity, unit and price. Want to see more pricing tips? Click on Hongye Classroom on the official website of Hongye, or download the Palm Hongye APP in the application mall to watch more pricing tips and operation videos. Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor:. tape-measure.com

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