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Prehistoric Immortal Xiaoqiang

"What are the characteristics of the man in black?" Zu Qilin was furious when he heard this and asked. Ancestor, this group of men in black, wearing black robes, feet on black clouds, a total of ten people, all have the cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian, one of them is good at using the sound law and one is very powerful with the black wheel. We were defeated, and only a few of us were left to report back. Ancestors must avenge their brothers. "The guards wailed." The Western Demon Sect, how dare you reach your hand to Mount Buzhou. He even designed to kill my people. This enmity is implacable. Zu Qilin took it for granted that the spearhead was turned back to the Demon Sect. You can step down first. Zu Qilin waved to the guards on the ground. Come, summon the Dharma Elders of the clan to the main hall. Zu Qilin ordered calmly again. In the west, billions of kilometers of the extreme west. A precipitous giant peak stands here. Perhaps this peak looks ordinary in the flood and famine, but it is quite magnificent and full of spirit. However, I do not know that this inconspicuous giant peak in the flood and famine is one of the main spiritual veins in the West. However, this place is now called the Holy Mountain by Western creatures, and it is the place where all Western creatures yearn for worship. The peak is about ten million feet high, straight into the sky, on the top of the mountain seems to have been cut across with great magical power, smooth and bright, the top of the dark blue plane is located in a simple and mysterious hall made of top dark spar, which occupies ten million feet around. The black hall and the dark blue mountain body show a gloomy and bloodthirsty atmosphere under the sun star. The giant peak is surrounded by twelve peaks, each of which has a hall,oil dropper bottle, but much smaller than the hall on the giant peak. At this time in this huge hall, "tell the Lord that when his subordinates inspected, they found that the soul jade slips of Lord Nightmare and others were also broken." In the hall, a gloomy man covered by a black robe was kneeling on one knee, reporting to the people hiding in the darkness above the hall. The black-robed man trembled all over his body. This was the second time. When the jade slips of the soul of Yan Demon were broken, the Lord in front of him was furious and swallowed his predecessor directly. At that time, the scene was still fresh in his memory. He would not lose his predecessor's way out. The more I think about it, the more afraid the man in black is. But fortunately,Foam Pump Bottles Wholesale, since Lord Shadow brought back the man named Pan Wang, the Lord's mood is much better, and this time his life should be saved. Oh, is there such a thing? It seems that there are many masters in the flood and famine, but I didn't expect that someone in the desolate north would be able to destroy the group made by Luo Jinxian and other people. It's really not easy for my Demon Sect to unify the flood and famine, but fortunately, ha.. Ethereal and majestic laughter echoed in the dark hall, like a magic sound to tempt the soul to fall, and the gloomy man kneeling on the ground of the hall could not help but tremble. Although the Lord in front of him did not blame him and laughed loudly, the man in black was still very nervous. A middle-aged man suddenly came out of the hall, with a gloomy face, tiger eyes, eagle nose, sharp eyes, a head of dark hair floating at will behind his head, cosmetic packaging wholesale ,30ml Dropper Bottle, surrounded by a stream of black gas, the whole body is full of the indifference of all living beings, without a trace of immortal style, but let people feel that this person has the charm of strange maturity. It makes people unconsciously submit to this person. This man is the leader of the Demon Sect, who is said to be transformed by the essence and blood of the Chaos Evil Spirit and the Chaos Demon God. At this time, Luo's cultivation has reached the late stage of quasi-holy, one foot into the threshold of sub-holy, the whole body of cultivation has been unfathomable. What Luo Kui masters is the devouring rule and the killing rule, therefore Luo Kui tries every means to cause the flood and famine three big races to fight, produces the evil spirit practice, but also may complete own to dominate the flood and famine the dream. At this time, as one of the ten elders, the dream demon said, "Demon Zu, shall we send someone to the north?" The dream demon did not go on, but made a gesture of wiping his neck. Everyone understood the meaning of the dream demon. Luo Yan frowned, thinking about the opinion of the dream demon, and did not speak for a long time. Our primary goal is not the north, and we will talk about it later. "This" dream demon did not speak, he clearly knew that the evil religion had a new, bigger and more perfect plan, the death of the nightmare demon is no big deal relative to this. You keep a close watch on the movements of the three clans today, and don't make any mistakes. Luo Qi ordered. The Ten Elders of the Demon Sect answered in unison, "The Lord has given orders." The ten elders are all cold-blooded people, for the death of the nightmare, there is nothing to regret, see Luo Wei do not want to pursue also do not mention. < a href = http://www.qidian.com > Qidian Chinese Network www.qidian.com welcomes friends to visit and read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all in Qidian Original! Chapter 49 the three clans meet in the western continent, and the four giants chat about the past. Updated January 5, 2012 19:51:44 Words: 2054 Dragon, Phoenix and Kirin three clans have a tacit understanding to stop fighting each other, after all, the three clans have a common enemy at this time, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, there is no need for internal friction to cheap the real enemy. At this time, the Demon Sect did not come to the surface to participate in the struggle for the land of flood and famine. It has been recuperating during the struggle among the three clans. Who knows how much power the Demon Sect has cultivated. Ten Nightmare Demons alone destroyed one hundred pro-guards of Kirin, which is a glimpse of the leopard. There is a saying in the Art of War: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat. If you know yourself without knowing the enemy, you will win one victory and lose another. If you don't know the enemy and don't know yourself, you will be in danger in every battle. It is unwise to launch a war without knowing the combat effectiveness of the other side. The three clans are ready to unite, first explore the true strength of the Demon Sect, destroy the Demon Sect, and consider the battle between each other, how to fight. On this day, Zulong, Zu Feng,30ml dropper bottle, Tianhuang and Zu Qilin came to the western part of the flood and famine at the same time to discuss major events. The four giants of the flood and famine met in the west of the flood and famine, which was a great news for the ordinary monsters in the flood and wilderness. If they knew that there was another giant hiding in the wild west to peep at the gathering of the four giants of the three clans, it would be news bigger than the sky. penghuangbottle.com

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