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Posted on 03/13/2023 in Category 1

Love at a glance, uncle marry cruel impatient

"All right!" Sister Wang raised her eyebrows happily and gave her a look that you were sure to be satisfied with. Jiang Xiaozhi bowed his head, a face of red clouds, in fact, she agreed to come down there is a key reason, that is, last night was clearly ready, but the second uncle stopped, he felt that the second uncle disliked her lack of femininity, so she made a body, water tender, the second uncle will certainly like it. After finishing the back at five o'clock, Jiang Xiaozhi returned to the villa, went to the backyard to see her fleshy, rolled up her sleeves, and completely devoted herself to it. It was not until six o'clock that I returned to the living room. My eyes swept around. "Hasn't Uncle come back yet?" "No, if the third young lady is hungry, she can eat first. The second young master called and will come back later today. There's a dinner party." The housekeeper answered. Uh Jiang Xiaozhi nodded and then asked, "Call you?" "Mmm." The housekeeper nodded and looked at the living room of the villa. "It's a landline!" "Oh." Jiang Xiaozhi nodded and looked at him, "then you go to prepare dinner!" Jiang Xiaozhi changed his slippers, walked quickly to the living room,Cosmetic Packaging Wholesale, sat down on the sofa, took his cell phone, and clicked on it. What's the matter? There is no missed call. Shouldn't the second uncle call her first and then no one answers and then call home? Could it be that the mobile phone has no signal and no phone bill? Yes, it must be! Jiang Xiaozhi took the landline on the tea table and dialed his own phone. Then, the pleasant bell rang in the living room, Jiang Xiaozhi twisted his eyebrows and looked at his mobile phone lit up. "Why don't you answer your phone when it's ringing?" The housekeeper came to call her for dinner and looked at her cell phone in a daze. Jiang Xiaozhi put down the microphone in his hand, stared at the old housekeeper, then picked up his mobile phone,Serum Bottle With Dropper, pressed the screen, and stuffed it in his pocket. 191: An unbridgeable age difference "Why don't you answer your phone when it's ringing, Miss Wu?" The housekeeper came to call her for dinner and looked at her cell phone in a daze. Jiang Xiaozhi put down the microphone in his hand, stared at the old housekeeper, then picked up his mobile phone, pressed the screen, and stuffed it in his pocket. What's the matter? The mobile phone is not out of service. Then why didn't the second uncle call her? Jiang Xiaozhi frowned and frowned. The old housekeeper followed her, listening to her, but could not hear clearly, wanted to ask her, and remembered the embarrassment of the mystery just now, and finally closed his mouth tightly and went to the kitchen to serve her rice. Jiang Xiaozhi sat at the table with his elbows spread out on the table and his chin in his hands. Third Mistress, it's time to eat! The housekeeper brought out the rice and soup and put them in front of her. Jiang Xiaozhi nodded, then looked at him and said, Empty Glass Foundation Bottle ,Uv Gel Nail Polish Bottle, "Didn't my cell phone ring when I was looking at meat in the backyard?" "No." The housekeeper shook his head. He had been busy in the living room and had not heard her cell phone ring. Are you sure the second uncle called home? Her little brows deepened and she looked at the housekeeper. No The housekeeper answered them one by one, though he was amused at the manner in which she pressed him. You didn't touch my cell phone. Did my uncle call me and you deleted it? Jiang Xiaozhi did not believe that the second uncle did not call her, he did not come back before or come back late, will be the first time to inform her ah, today this matter is absolutely a problem. The old housekeeper listened to her words and almost shed tears. The third young lady's imagination was surprisingly rich! "Third Mistress, if I want to delete it, I have to know the password!" The old housekeeper is full of tears. Don't take such a trap! Jiang Xiaozhi thinks what he says is absolutely right, it is such a thing really, wave, "you go down!" When the old housekeeper got the pardon, he ran away. He didn't want to use it as a gun for her here. Jiang Xiaozhi has been struggling with why the second uncle did not call her this matter, looking at the favorite dishes in front of her on weekdays is also do not want to chopsticks. In the office of the company. Lv Zihao packed up the documents and stretched, "Get off work!" The big president ordered to redo the plan, giving so little time, hey, he is really a person as a few people, ah, this overtime, it is really hard! Turn off the lights in the office, grab your handbag and walk out. The big president's office is still lit up. It shouldn't be. He went back very early recently. He said he wanted to have dinner with his niece. So what's the situation today? "President, why haven't you left yet?" Lu Zihao pushed open the door of the office and watched him sitting at his desk. Jiang Haicheng looked up at him and stood up empty-handed. "Go, have a drink!" Lv Zihao nodded, this big president please drink can not go, just glanced at the desk, feeling very strange, he did not have any documents in front of him, is the president sitting there? "President, are you in a bad mood?" Lu Zihao looked at his tense side face. Jiang Haicheng glanced at him, said nothing, picked up his coat and went out. Lv Zihao shrugged his shoulders, really worried about his IQ, how can he ask the president such a sensitive topic, although it is a man's patent to drink to drown his sorrows, but the president is not an ordinary person! Lv Zihao drove the car, but his eyes kept aiming at Jiang Haicheng on the side. He was really strange today. He didn't say a word all the way. Since Jiang Xiaozhi came to live here, Jiang Haicheng seldom came out to drink at night, unless there was a dinner party that could not be pushed away. After several months of absence, he came again, looking at the noise and erosion in the bar, Jiang Haicheng suddenly felt uncomfortable, and his eyebrows were tightly twisted. What flashed through my mind was Jiang Xiaozhi's comely and lovely face, while what passed in front of me was a disgusting fake face painted with makeup. Pick up the cup, drink the white wine in the cup, the cool wine slides down the throat, and when it falls into the heart, it gathers with the irritability of the heart. Lv Zihao threw his wine glass directly and went to dance with several girls,Plastic Foam Dispenser Bottle, and the restless music sounded in the box. Jiang Haicheng irritably dropped his glass and leaned on the back of the sofa. Jiang Shao, let's dance! The girl on one side watched him drink alone all the time, holding out his proud chest. Jiang Haicheng closed his eyes and did not make a sound. penghuangbottle.com

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