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Posted on 03/13/2023 in Category 1

Floating life is like this

The smiling cat nodded cleverly, but his eyes flashed with unusual excitement. Shallow summer silence knows that her persuasion can not shake her determination now, if you want her to give up, the best way is to let her try to fight. Now is not the time to struggle on this issue, shallow summer silence is also looking sideways to turn around and said, "turn around brother, why don't we try the power of this weapon first, if it has a miraculous effect on the monster, maybe we can break through here." "I also think this weapon is no small matter, but if we don't really show it, I'm afraid we can't know its real power.". All right, I'll pull another monster over. Be careful to approach. The kitten has never fought. We'll try to share all the injuries and not let her get hurt. If you really want to practice the operation, wait until she gets used to it. Turned around to take a look at shallow summer silence, the moment of speaking is also directly rushed to a standing monster not far away. Despite the threat of extinction, the monster responded to the player who approached so rashly, turning around and entering the attack range, it also rushed directly, waving its huge arms vigorously. Saya, you use the arrow of the moon God to control it, and Bai Jian tries to pull down the hatred. The only thing that can be arranged now is shallow summer silence. With the cooperation of many times, shallow summer silence is also a little used to the tone of speech. At the same time, shallow summer silence is also facing the smiling cat who is still a little hesitant beside her. "Saya's vertigo skills are three seconds away from each other. Our level is low,radio shuttle racking, and our hatred is still relatively high." Turn around and so on eldest brother and white Jane pulled the hatred, I accompany you to the past close combat, pay attention not to be involved in the monster's range of attacks, if the blood damage do not be afraid of pain immediately take medicine. Shallow silence to give up their habit of long-range physical attacks, hands clenched into claws, smiling cat is also aware of the danger and efficiency of such Daguai, a little hesitation for a moment, raised the hands of the fire said, "Shallow sister,Pallet rack beams, you can rest assured that I will not make trouble for everyone." Smiling cat's face is full of worry, shallow summer silence also know that now is not the time to speak, the monster changed the target to sing magic attack white Jane at the same time, the arrow of the moon God has been shot into her body, three seconds of vertigo, although very short, but also enough to let shallow summer silence and smiling cat close. With such a level of giant monster, turn around and shallow summer silence, no matter how to attack, can only cause a little damage, smiling cat looked at the blood that kept blooming from the monster, full of confidence suddenly became hesitant, standing there at a loss to forget the attack. Vertigo's hatred is higher than other damage, the night moon will consume their own blood, so it can not be used many times, Warehouse storage racks ,Pallet rack supplier, but the smiling cat is so deadlocked in that, the night moon is also hesitating for a moment, continued the release of the second arrow, at the same time shouting at the smiling cat, "Kitten, you attack quickly, I can only release a few times, this monster will be instant skills, if too many I can't take a blow and I'll die. "Kitten, it's just a thing. If you don't kill it, it will attack us. The first attack is difficult, but you have to know that everyone is creating opportunities for you and putting all hope on you. Our way of attack, if you don't do it, everyone will be in danger." Shallow summer silence looked at the monster whose body kept turning to the moon at night, and could not help saying to the smiling cat beside him. 30 C0 words G above the dividing line Second watch! Do you want to hold an imposing weapon? Come to the group picture and tell Xiao Qiu! Group Express: At the top of the book table of contents, [enter the book group]. Thousands of dark snow cycle they have found a lot of beautiful weapons, you can also choose in the post or album oh! Chapter 261 experience bites back. It's not that the cat doesn't know the danger now, but she can't control herself at all. She has never attacked any monster. She always stands in the back and watches. When she is really on the scene, the sense of oppression really makes her a little breathless. Playing games has never hit a monster, this degree of protection and care, in the end is good or bad, no one knows, but the smiling cat is clear, at the moment is the opportunity that people are taking their lives to create for her, saying that she can not give up. Having made up his mind, the smiling cat did not hesitate to raise the button in his hand, and waved his eyes tightly closed to the dizzy monster. In this case, it is absolutely impossible to release the skill of laughter, but the extinction of the dance was coated with a layer of burning flame, cutting the monster at the same time, actually took away most of its body directly. Even if it is the effect of breakdown, there will be no such terrible effect, which can burn the power of the body of the 80-level monster, which really makes people such as Shallow Summer Silence look silly, and even do not notice the thousands of damage on the monster's head. Absence in battle: There will be great danger, but such a shock is not enough for everyone to concentrate on the fight. This also causes the monster's vertigo to dissipate, and the hatred caused by such a huge amount of damage is simply not what others can attract. The surroundings were quiet, and the smiling face opened his eyes secretly, but now the monster, who had lost most of his body, looked at him with a strange sadness, and his huge arms stayed in the air, but did not attack the smiling cat. Kitten, keep moving! Such a strange situation, completely beyond the expectation of shallow summer silence, the monster of level 80 can not do anything to a player who has caused such a heavy blow to himself, which is more difficult to imagine than the Arabian Nights. Just to prevent the unexpected birth, shallow summer silence or reluctantly pulled the corners of the mouth to the smiling cat shouted out. With the first attack, it became much easier to come down, and the smiling cat hesitated for a moment and waved the work to the monster again. Without any gorgeous moves,long span shelving, without any selective attack direction, how to look at it is a mess hit on the body of the monster, but in a flash the monster was hit disappeared in front of everyone. Everything was so sudden that everyone could only stand there and watch. omracking.com

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