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Posted on 03/13/2023 in Category 1

Douro Continent (I)

Ordinary soul division in this red fog, simply can not identify the direction, once stuck, it is impossible to break free. Unless it's a flying soul master. But Tang San did not show any signs of losing his way in it. In the surprise of the other side, he did not have time to control the fusion skill of Wuhun. With the help of blue silver grass, he threw the other six monsters out of the scope of Wuhun fusion skill. This is Tang San's calculation, his calculation is the other side's mistake, too late to urge the moment of Wuhun fusion skills. A tiger roar broke out from Dai Mubai's mouth, and his body was still in midair. His first soul skill, White Tiger Protection Barrier, and the third soul skill, White Tiger King Kong, broke out at the same time. The body expands rapidly in midair. But Zhu Zhuqing tiptoe borrows the strength on the blue silver grass, the speed increases sharply, caught up with Dai Mubai in an instant, the entire person quietly fell behind him. The huge flame wings stretched out from behind Ma Hongjun, while Xiaowu fell directly to the ground, and the six Shrek monsters suddenly entered the fighting state. Seeing this,chrome washing machine, Pope Bibidon suddenly showed a sneer on his face. And in the red mist, the voice of neither man nor woman shouted with disdain, "Do you think you can escape my martial arts fusion skills?" In a flash, the red mist suddenly spread, almost instantly shifted its direction as a whole, and the huge mist enveloped the six Shrek monsters who had just released their soul skills again. Even Ma Hongjun's fiery phoenix wings could not have the slightest impact on the red mist. It turned out that the red mist was centered on the fusion of the evil moon and Hu Liena. Seeing that the six Shrek monsters were out of the range of Wuhun fusion skills, the evil moon immediately gave up attacking Tang San,gold shaking table, but accelerated directly, driving the red mist with his body, once again enveloping the six Shrek monsters. With the help of the auxiliary soul master, this time his red mist was scattered over a larger area. Almost cover three quarters of that field. Only the rest of their team is not covered. Unless you can fly, it's impossible to break away from my soul fusion skill. The evil moon sank into the red mist again in the cold voice, this time he gave up the attack on Tang San, but directly touched Ning Rongrong. If you don't distinguish carefully, you will only think that Ning Rongrong is using the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. Everyone knows that the world's first auxiliary Wuhun is powerful. Let Ning Rongrong lose combat effectiveness first, which will undoubtedly add weight to victory. At the same time as the evil moon came out, Tang San's voice came from his ear, "Then we'll fly to you." Whether it was Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing who rose in the air, or other people who fell on the ground, a faint light suddenly rose behind them in an instant, tin beneficiation plant ,coltan ore processing, and the light turned into wings. Six people's bodies accelerated almost at the same time, and in an instant they rushed out of the red fog and rose directly into the air. It was Uncle Baloney Oscar's flying mushroom sausages that helped. From the beginning of the competition, Oscar kept making his sausages. The first one was the excited pink sausage, which was given to Tang San. Then he quickly made six flying mushroom sausages, which were given to himself and five other people. Used at this time, just out of the control of the opponent's Wuhun fusion technology. How is that possible? Pope Bibidon watched the Shrek Six fly out and could not help but wait for his eyes. Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing attacked Wang Yan, another soul of the other side, while Ma Hongjun and Xiaowu welcomed the other three war soul masters. Ning Rongrong's nine-treasure glazed pagoda blossomed, instantly giving Ma Hongjun an increase in attack and Xiaowu an increase in agility. Before this game, Oscar's flying mushroom intestines were only used once, that is, at the time of the first battle of Jiazong. At that time, they had not attracted attention. Although Oscar made a brief appearance, the light on Tang San was so dazzling that all eyes were focused on him. The most important thing was that Tang San was the only one flying in the air at that time, and the others were all controlled by him with blue and silver grass. Neglecting an auxiliary soul master is the biggest mistake of the Wuhun Temple Academy team. At this time, although the victory or defeat is still not divided, but the war situation is no longer in their control. The evil moon was also surprised to see the six Shrek monsters suddenly flying out of the control range of their martial soul fusion skills. But at this moment, he is a little hard to dismount. Martial soul fusion skill is powerful, but once it is used, it will consume its own soul power by a large margin. At the same time, in the process of using Wuhun fusion skill, you can't use other skills. Just like every time Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing use the ghost white tiger, they will be exhausted. Although the opponent's ability to fly makes the evil moon understand that his martial soul fusion skill advantage is not there, but at this time he can not remove this skill. You U Shumeng uutXT. Com Quan Wen Zi Ban Yue Du Episode 4 Shrek Seven Chapter 127 The Complete Strength of Shrek Seven (Part 2) Words: 2623 This skill is matched with the original skill of Xiaowu, as if it had been designed long ago. Without this fourth soul skill, Xiaowu is just a close strong man. When she has this skill, she can't get close. After the invincible golden body, immediately is the teleportation, the next moment, the small dance has come to the release of the halo of the opponent's side. She appeared in a very clever position, which was the farthest place from the other two war soul divisions. Even if the other side displays the soul skill, it must first pass over the teammate who releases the halo before it can act on Xiaowu. Dark clouds cover the top, black hair like a snake wrapped around the other side's neck, at this time, the effect of invincible golden body has not disappeared, the opponent instantly broke out a soul skill fell on the small dance body did not produce any effect at all. He tried to catch Xiaowu's long hair, but it was so smooth as if it had come to life that his fingers could not keep it at all. The neck was wound and tightened, and one of Xiaowu's feet was already on his waist. Although Tang San's kungfu from Tangmen is not applicable to Xiaowu, but two people have been together for such a long time, those places on the human body are weaknesses, Tang San has already been handed over to Xiaowu. The waist eye is hit by the tiptoe,portable gold wash plant, the opponent is immediately exhausted, the next moment, the waist bow of the small dance has been launched in the state of invincible golden body. ore-magnetic-mining.com

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