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Posted on 03/13/2023 in Category 1

Desert Desolation · Ode to the Imperial Capital (Moxiang Wai Zhuan)-Cangyue _ txt Novel Paradise

On the sharp golden arrow, as expected, there was a faint blood-red cold light, ferocious and horrible-the poison of the blood dragon? That is the poison that can kill gods and ghosts! In the whole world, it is the only poison that can hurt the high priest of the worship of the moon. Not me! It wasn't me! I didn't mean to kill you! The shock and fear of that moment made her almost hiss, "I.." Why would I kill you? How could I kill you? She grabbed the arrow, looked at it again and again, and suddenly understood something, and her face gradually turned pale. He raised his head as if to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he spat out a mouthful of blood and fell forward. Sha Manhua! Feng Ya subconsciously hugged her and found dark blood gushing from three wounds at the back of her head. So great joy and sorrow, so that her brain can no longer bear it? The priest's eyes darkened and he put her on the back of the white lion, but suddenly there was a shock! Blood spots as big as copper coins appeared on the back of Sha Manhua's neck! Is it poison? In this Moon Palace, who actually poisoned Sha Manhua? Besides killing him, someone wants to kill Shamanhua? He felt his sleeve suddenly being pulled gently as his mind turned. Lowering his head, he saw Sha Manhua open his eyes, say something weakly, and then faint. Feng Ya turned his ears to him and heard only one sentence: "Be careful." A fierce battle in the next month was suddenly untied by an arrow at the time of life and death. The leader of the worship of the moon and the high priest fought and shot through the shoulder of Fengya. The worship of the moon was an infighting for the sake of Childe Shuye! As soon as Zhangsun Siyuan reached the porch, he saw such a scene of rabbits rising and falling, and a sharp turn for the worse. He was so surprised that he almost cried out. He did not expect that the high priest of the Moon Worship Sect, who was almost heavenly, would actually be hurt by Shamanhua. When Feng Ya's hand touched the heart of Childe Shu Ye,Drive in racking system, he almost rushed over, but was stopped by Yun Xi. Don't worry, he shouldn't kill Gao Shuye. Standing in the shadow of the corridor, the young man in white said lightly, "Sha Manhua has shot an arrow, and it is meaningless for him to kill Gao Shuye again at this moment." At the moment when he finished this sentence, the priest of Fengya in the distance had already let go of his son Shuye and walked to Shamanhua. Zhangsun Siyuan looked at the young man in white with a slight smile, but he heard Yunxi say again,Pallet rack supplier, "He won't kill Sha Manhua either.". He probably doesn't want to kill anyone at the moment. It's so sad. Apart from the king of the Ming religion, there is only one kind of person in the world who can hurt the high priest of the worship of the moon-the person he really trusts and loves. "All this is in your expectation?" Zhangsun Siyuan was frightened and asked a question. The boy in white came out of the shadow of the corridor, stood in the moonlight, and smiled at him-a smile that was white and transparent, like the spring breeze blowing the first pear blossom on the branches. However, the young man's dark blue eyes were as gloomy as his smile, like an ancient well that could not be seen to the end, swallowing anything that fell into it. I just mastered the magic of the priests of the past. Yun Xi suddenly blinked his eyes, then turned around-over there, the hand of the priest at the end of the wind was put down from Sha Manhua's neck, holding the unconscious woman in his arms, and went straight to the Qinglong Palace. Yun Xi pointed to Prince Shu Ye, who had sealed the acupoint in the middle of Manzhusha Lake, and said, "I have ordered all the disciples in the church to stay where they are and not to be stopped.". Mr. Zhangsun, Industrial pallet rack ,Cantilever Storage rack, take this opportunity to take this man away as soon as possible! You said you have a way, I believe-you quickly out of the palace, directly back to the imperial capital, do not stay! Zhangsun Siyuan hesitated slightly: "But the priest of Fengya.." "I naturally have a way." Yun Xi looked calm and sophisticated, unlike a young man in his early twenties. He raised his hand and threw him a bag of tricks, telling him, "You just go all the way back to the imperial capital-the Great Priest of Fengya will come to Chang'an to find you." Zhangsun Siyuan looked at the young man in disbelief. He was also used to giving advice and scheming. How could he not see that Yunxi had obviously designed his own master? Now out of such a radical change, with the ability of the priest of Fengya, it is difficult to guarantee not to find out the truth. And this teenager, actually dare to say that he has full confidence, and then let the master become his bargaining chip? wWw。 xiaoshuo txt.coM Chapter 10 master and apprentice On txt Xiao _ Shuo Tian/Tang 157, he nodded and swept back, stopped at the treetop of the Cyathea tree, waved his right hand and flicked it on the ridge of the Chengying Sword. At that snap of a finger, he used enough force to make all the tangible things between heaven and earth change, not to mention a sword? The force penetrated and passed along the ridge of the sword, and the shadowless sword suddenly made a series of crackling sounds! Suddenly, it was as if a cloud of ice and snow had exploded between the two men, breaking every inch. However, the other side was calm in the face of danger, gave a low shout, and pointed into the sword wind, stirring up. Those broken swords were brought up by the strong wind, like thousands of hidden weapons flying straight at him! Good skill, good change, good courage! At that moment, the priest was slightly moved, and he couldn't stop cheering-for this once-in-a-generation World War I, the only opponent he had ever met! However, in an instant, I saw the eagerness and persistence of the swordsman in white opposite, who had no regrets, regardless of life and death-that expression, in a twinkling of an eye, froze the little reward in the eyes of the priest. This man.. I'm here to take Shamanhua! Although it is intended to let, want to see how strong the other side in the end, has not been under the killer. However, he never thought that your son, who had come all the way, could take over so many moves-he was the first killer of Shura Field in the past year! Although after ten years of sensual life, the skill is so amazing? When he retreated to the tree of the holy lake, the eyes of the priest of Fengya suddenly flashed the intention of killing! "That's it!" As soon as he coldly shouted, his wide sleeves were brushed, and his hands crushed the broken swords in midair in an instant. The high priest of the Moon Worship Church stopped on the Alsophila tree-as long as he stopped, no one could cross his side again! He had to get rid of the intruder in this place, otherwise, closer, he would be heard by the people on the other side of the temple,heavy duty warehouse rack, right? Feng Ya pointed like a sword, piercing the void-the moment the high priest made a move, the ruby in his forehead suddenly became so brilliant that people dared not look directly at it. omracking.com

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